Cigar Events

The world of cigar testing is very broad and complex, like wine, there is a confusing array to choose from.

Professional cigar rollers will be an essential part of your event, who will not only serve cigars but will help your guests to make the right choice, especially those who are new to cigar's testing experience.

They will answer all questions that your guests might have, sharing knowledge on what types of cigars are available, what tobacco is used, what are their origins, how they are made and many others.

Beautiful, well-spoken, but also highly trained and knowledgeable cigar rollers will be an excellent choice for a high-end event. Besides being professional in cigars rolling they will have impeccable manners and know the etiquette. They will interact with your guests adding an extra high- class touch to your event and impressing your guests on many levels.

Class A cigars of the highest quality that were imported from top quality producers in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua will be served at the event. Your guests will have options to choose from different sizes and flavours, and wrapping leaves, getting the full cigar testing experience.

Whether it's a classic Cuban cigar, like Hoyo de Monterrey No.2, that's full of light, ethereal charm , Montecristo No.2  with  bold, leathery flavours and a long and satisfying smoke, Dunhill 1907 – Produced by Dunhill of St James's Street, with depth and character and a hint of sweetness from the Brazilian filler leaf - there will be something for every taste.

A range of rare exclusive whiskeys, rums and an extensive cocktail list can be added to the menu, which can add an extra touch of elegance and sophistication to the event.